Keith Gundlach
Keith Gundlach was born in Dodgeville, WI. He graduated in 1969 from Highland High School. He attended the University of Wisconsin-Platteville and graduated with a degree in Social Studies in 1973 and a degree in Agriculture Education in 1977.
Keith started his teaching career in Randolph in June 1977 and taught for over 42 years retiring in January 2019 due to ALS, which he had for 13 years and two months. He spent a year and a half mentoring new teachers and writing grants for the Ag Department & FFA. Enrollment grew from 21 students to over 140 students per day. Significant events in his teaching career included the beginning of an exchange program with an Agricultural High School in Graz, Austria, merging classes and FFA’s with Cambria-Friesland High School, having a 40 acre land laboratory donated to the FFA, adding a greenhouse and animal laboratory, establishing an Advisory Council, starting the FFA Alumni and creating the Randolph Agriculture & FFA Foundation.
While teaching, he advised the FFA, the Letter Club for 15 years, established the Booster Club where he served as an officer for over 20 years, created and served as Director of the Elementary/Middle School Foundation, the Fine Arts Foundation, the Athletic Support Foundation, the Scholarship Foundation, the Agriculture & FFA Foundation, and the Columbia County Fair Foundation. He served as department superintendent at the Dodge and Columbia County Fairs for 42 years. He also served the Agriculture teachers two terms as a vice president and one term as president. Teaching the Leadership class the value of grants, he initiated a fund drive that helped with the outdoor athletic field renovation as well as launched a new gym fund. He served as the RTA President for four terms.
Keith passed away in 2024. He left UW-Platteville in his estate to establish a scholarship that will support students pursuing a degree in Agriculture for years to come.
Professional honors and recognition he received include Honorary State FFA Degree-1989, Honorary American FFA Degree-2002, WAAE Outstanding Agriculture Teacher-1999, 2000 and 2001, WAAE Outstanding Agriculture Program-1993, 1997 and 2007, NAAE Outstanding Agriculture Teacher-2001 and 2010, NAAE Outstanding Agriculture Teacher-2001 and 2010, WAAE President 2004-2005, NAAE Outstanding Service Citation 2005-2006, WI FFA Foundation Blue & Gold Society 2005, WI FFA Distinguished Service Award-2006, Herb Kohl Education Foundation Fellowship Award-2006, National FFA SAE Committee Review Team 2008-2019, National FFA SAE Committee Review Team Chair 2014-2019, WI FFA Hall of Fame-2013, NAAE Life Time Achievement Award-2015, Randolph Teacher of the Year 2004, 2010, Randolph Significant Educator Award 2005, 2010, Cambria-Friesland Significant Educator Award 2012, Randolph Citizen of the Year-2010, Community Corn Carnival Parade Marshall-2019, and Columbia County Friend of 4-H-2019.