Wendell E ('66) and Janet A (Dreher) Sisson ('69) Endowed Scholarship

Wendell E. Sisson received a Bachelor’s degree from UW-Platteville with a Broad Field Social Science major (History emphasis and Geography minor) in 1966. Janet Dreher-Sisson received a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from UW-Platteville in 1969. Wes began teaching in Johnson Creek, Wisconsin (1966) and then moved on to graduate school at UW-Whitewater and taught part-time at Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin (1967). After receiving his first Master’s degree he taught at Milton, Wisconsin from 1968 to 1978. Jan taught at Milton from 1969 to 1978. Wes and Jan then took positions with the Department of Defense, Dependents Schools located in Mannheim and Heidelberg, Germany. Jan taught first grade for the Department of Defense, Dependents Schools until her retirement in 2009. Wes taught and also coached basketball, baseball, and golf. He assisted with football and track. He became Heidelberg High School’s athletic director in 1993, a position he maintained until retirement in 2006.

The following criteria shall be used in the annual selection of the recipient(s):
1. Applicants must be majoring in Early Childhood through Middle Childhood Education or Secondary Education in Social Sciences/History
2. Applicants must be of sophomore, junior, or senior standing
3. Applicants must have a GPA of 2.0 or higher

The Wendell E. (‘66) & Janet A. (Dreher) (’69) Sisson Scholarship is renewable as long as the recipient meets the criteria listed.
