Brogley Leighty Scholarship

Kevin and Jane Brogley Leighty have no children of their own and feel education plays a vital role in today’s world. They want to share what they can with others. Kevin and Jane worked while attending school, and they would love to give a hardworking student a bit of a break.

The following criteria shall be used in the annual selection of the recipient(s):
1. Applicants must be a continuing student
2. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.25 or higher
3. Applicants must work part-time through the school year
4. Preference will be given to applicants majoring in Business Administration or Psychology
5. Preference will be given to applicants from Southwest Wisconsin
6. Preference will be given to applicants who are alumni of Platteville High School

Supplemental Questions
  1. Briefly describe your career goals, past achievements, why you are a deserving recipient, and how receiving this scholarship would benefit you.