Undergraduate Research, Scholarly and Creative Activity Scholarship-Continuing Students

Pioneer Undergraduate Research, Scholarly and Creative Activity (URSCA) Scholarships are prestigious awards granted to UW-Platteville students pursuing scholarly activities and are funded through the Student Research and Engagement Fund (SREF). They provide $1,000/semester. Each scholarship is for one semester only but recipients may re-apply for subsequent semesters.

Individual students in every major are eligible and are encouraged to apply; group projects are allowed but students must apply individually and must clearly describe what their particular role will be. Eligible activities include: laboratory or field research, qualitative research, creative (art/music/theater/writing) activities, or other projects. Associate and Assistant Deans from each of the three Colleges at UW-Platteville and student representatives will evaluate the proposals to select the URSCA Scholarship award winners. All students are eligible to apply. While at least half of the awards are intended to be given to students in their first or second year of study at UW-Platteville, traditionally under-represented minority students and/or first generation college students, if students in these categories do not apply the money will be still be distributed. Preference will be given to students and projects not currently receiving other forms of funding. For more information and to view the templates, please click here

The following criteria shall be used in the annual selection of the recipient(s):
1. Applicants must be a continuing student

Supplemental Questions
  1. In the past have you participated in a faculty-led research or other scholarly/creative activity outside of normal classes or as an independent study?
  2. What is the highest level of education achieved by a parent or legal guardian? (Some high school; graduated high school/GED; Associate’s or other 2-year college degree; Bachelor’s degree; Master’s Degree; PhD, MD, JD, etc.)
  3. Upload a cover page that is signed by your faculty mentor and yourself.
  4. Upload up to a four page document (single-space, 12 point Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins) of narrative describing the project including background on the work; goals or objectives; why it is valuable and intellectually interesting; and a proposed timeline.
  5. Budget and budget explanation describing what the $250/semester for supplies and travel costs associated with performing the scholarly activity will be used for.
  6. Please enter a name and email address for a faculty mentor that can write a letter of recommendation.
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