Jill Schielke Scholarship in Memory of Pete and Kate Bonin

The John Barth Foundation is named after the University of Wisconsin-Platteville long-time coach and Athletic Director. The goals of the John Barth Foundation are to provide UW-Platteville students with scholarships, to celebrate UW-Platteville alumni achievements, and to develop activities held throughout the state of Wisconsin and neighboring states to promote UW-Platteville and post-high school education. This scholarship was created from the John Barth Foundation funds.

The following criteria shall be used in the annual selection of the recipient(s):
1. Applicants must be from Platteville, WI
2. Applicants must demonstrate leadership
3. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher
4. Preference will be given to applicants majoring in physical education and involved in extra-curricular activities
5. Recipient must be a junior for the fall semester

Steven and Julitta "Jill' Schielke